Friday, June 5, 2009

The A's-Z's of Friday the 5th.

A is for Asbestos. Because I like saying the word Asbestos and because I can actually spell it.
B is for Baller. Because that’s what I am. Or so I think.
C is for Copy-cat. Because sometimes mimicking someone else is just a bundle of fun wrapped up in raffia.
D is for Delirious. Because that’s what I am 95% of the time.
E is for Ecstatic. Because that’s what I’d be if I weren’t here at work not actually working.
F is for Frank. Not sure if I mean Frank as in a person or Frank as in a ball (ball frank hot dogs). Perhaps both.
G is for Globs. Because pretty much any sort of glob is nothing short of amazing.
H is for Hilarious. Because if things in life can’t be hilarious, life would be a dull and boring place.
I is for Igloo. Because for once in my life I would like to build myself an igloo and sleep in it for one night. But just one night.
J is for Juxtapose. Because I actually don’t know exactly what the definition of juxtapose is but I can assure you I’d like it either way.
K is for Karaoke. Because that’s who I am.
L is for Lame. Because I’d rather be outside relaxing under an oak tree than here in a lame office.
M is for Meteor. Because meteors come from outer space. I think?
N is for Neanderthal. Because that’s who I am at times.
O is for Ostrich. Because the freaking birds weigh 300 pounds, can run up to 70km/h and are just odd looking.
P is for Pretentious. Because I live in Los Angeles and it is hard to find folks who aren’t pretentious.
Q is for Quirky. Because I’ve been called it before & am very proud of the fact.
R is for Retirement. Because I don’t think there is a specific age where a person should/could retire.
S is for Sleepiness. Because I’d do anything to go back to Preschool where we had mandatory nap times.
T is for True. Because being True to yourself & to others is the most important part of life.
U is for Unicycle. Because I have always wanted to learn how to ride one.
V is for Vanilla. Because I’m on a vanilla kick. Candles, body washes, perfumes, etc.
W is for Watermelons. Because I love to eat watermelons, especially if it involves a summer day in the park complete with a seed-spitting contest.
X is for Xylophone. Because who doesn’t enjoy a xylophone & also, how many other x words are out there?
Y is for Yellow. Because yellow might be the most sunshiny, splendidly happy color ever!
Z is for Zombies. Because secretly I would love to meet a zombie.

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