Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day 3: One more day of food that's it?!?! WTF?

Today is the last day of the “pre-cleanse” before the 5-day liquid fast. Let’s just hope it goes by fast and not liquid-y. eew. I’m feeling decent. We are supposed to cut our B, L & D down to a ¼ of what we normally eat. A 1/4th?? Yup. So if you eat a container of yogurt & an apple for breakfast, you only really take like 1-2 bites of yogurt & 4-5 bites of apple & then finito? Crazy talk but I did it.

Depending on the types of food you eat (in general but especially the days before the cleanse) it will determine how strong or mild your ‘cleanse’ will be. I was supposed to avoid cheese during this pre-cleanse too. Cheese? My favorite thing in the whole wide world? It’s been 2 ½ days since I last had cheese. That’s a freakin long time for me.

Surprisingly with the lack of food I’m not feeling too shabby. I had my typical morning slump and again my typical afternoon slump where closing my eyes would be oh so lovely. Being on a ‘restricted’ diet the past few days has made me realize how MUCH crap is in certain foods. I was trying to avoid processed foods at all costs (ie, crackers, cookies, even soups!) and did an okay job. I’ve been eating raw veggies like they’re going out of style and the amount of water I’m drinking? Let’s just say I could fill an Olympic-size pool.

I never really cared what I was putting into my body as my ‘brain’ just wanted the yummy, cheesy goodness of whatever I put into my mouth but now I am actually conscious of it all, it’s kind of a weird feeling. Tomorrow begins the adventure & I’m nervous but excited about the whole thing. I have never really ‘tested’ my body like this before and if the results are anything what people have said from experience, I’m looking forward to it. Wish me luck!!

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